Slightly falling into my hands, she's like a leaf leaving its branch - its mother - by the sweet autumn. Not only 'cause she's soft, but also 'cause she's green.
When she reached the bottom, I could feel the cold, as well the power. She tidied her dress, stood up and stared at me. Suddenly, I was all covered in magic dust. Tout à coup, I was not in my home anymore.
- We need a planet, for us to live. - she said to me.
- I don't know anything about astronomy. - I replied.
- Zolcak noticed you. You are smart, shy, easy-going, and hates your life.
- I don't have any friends at school.
- We can give you another life. You'd be a nice soil. Your grass would be comfort as your hair is smooth, your oceans would be clear as the color of your eyes.
- Do I have any choice?
- Of course. Do you wanna give us a home?
- I've never been able to choose anything...
"In that case...", she said.
That's how I made friends at the end of the milk way. We don't really talk, but we love and protect each other. It makes me regret the way I treated Earth, while I was there.
O brilho ficou um tanto brega, mas eu tava sem criatividade :/ Precisava explicitar alguma magia... De qualquer forma, fadas verdes me lembram absinto.
Também precisava treinar o inglês, afinal, tô no fim do curso (deve ter uns errinhos). E um pouco de francês pra me empolgar. Quem diria que açúcar em francês tá mais pra dragão :o ?
Enfim, tem uma estória linda em Sandman, no Endless Nights, que sempre me emociona um pouquinho. É sobre o Sonho, mas também bastante sobre Desejo. Eu li ontem (de novo!), e me inspirei um pouquinho pra escrever isso. E também na música que porventura eu estava escutando.